Is Your Hair Loss Genetic?

It is important for individuals to be clear about what is causing their hair to fall out.  There is a high chance that genetics are at work.  But this is not always the case.

Sometimes there are other reasons such as:

  • extreme stress
  • diet
  • mold from the environment
  • medical issue
  • side effects from medication

If you seem to be the only one in your family suffering from hair loss and you cannot pinpoint other relatives, then considering these other factors will be important. In fact addressing these types of causal variables may reverse your condition.

But if you do have the genetics for pattern baldness, here is a summary of what is going on.  This genetic code is acting as a blue print for creating sensitive androgen protein receptors on the outside of the hair follicles.  Given their particular structure, they are less resilient to DHT in the bloodstream. This is a chemical that forms from the breakdown of testosterone.  The follicles shrink, causing hair loss or thinning.

Early intervention with Rogaine or Propecia has shown to be quite helpful for individuals around the world. However, if these medications are not offering you benefit, then getting the best hair restoration from an FUE surgeon would be another option to consider.

How Rogaine And Propecia Work

Both Rogaine and Propecia are popular medications. Men turn to it in early stages of hair loss. These medications do have pros, but they also have cons. Patients who have undergone body hair transplant using follicular unit extraction should take precaution before using any of these products, and must consult with a hair transplant surgeon.

Rogaine is a popular medication that is sold at any local drug store, however how the products works is not a guarantee to re grow natural hair. It only targets hair loss in the crown area, not the front of the head, which is the area most people are concerned about. It seems to be most effective for people under 40 dealing with recent hair loss. The one thing patients should know is that it does not cure baldness, so if you are in the advanced stages of hair loss this product may not work for you. If it does have an impact, it stops a few months after use is discontinued. The product must be applied regularly.

Propecia slows down the thinning of hair, and can fill balding areas of the scalp. This may be useful to keep the area around a transplant looking nice, but patients must consult with a hair transplant surgeon before taking the initiative to use this product. There are side effects that may not be well known, and could hinder a person’s scalp.

Studies have been conducted of women taking 1mg per day of Propecia, but no significant improvements were shown.



Posted on: July 21, 2013, by :